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함께하는 우리 하나되는 세상 명도복지관이 여러분과 함께합니다.


  • 평일 09:00 ~ 18:00
  • 공휴일,주말(토,일)휴관
St. Columban's Social Wolfare Corporation comprises of
Working together for an all inclusive society
Our slogan is "Working together for an all inclusive society."
Based on the philosophy is that "All people have a right to a meaningful life."
the aim of our programs at Myongdo is to enable all persons with disabilities,
especially those with learning disabilities, to lead as normal a life as is possible for
them within their local community.
  • Myongdo Welfare Center
    Myongdo Welfare Center
  • Myongdo Shelter Work Shop
    Myongdo Shelter Work Shop
  • Myongdo Nursery
    Myongdo Nursery
  • St. Columban’s day care
    St. Columban’s day care